Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Precaffinated disaster.

Today started with the usual breakfast bedlam.  Followed by missing socks and another unannounced visit from the hairbrush fairy.(goodness only knows what she does with them all!!)
All of this I could have coped with and frankly I wouldn't expect any less from our brood but today in my precaffinated state I was forced to endure more than any sleep deprived 20 something mother of many could reasonably be expected to be prepared for...  This morning poor little Lola (our gorgeous butter wouldn't melt border terrier puppy) got her foot trapped in the kitchen door and proceeded to do her very best massacred baby bunny impression outside on the decking. When the screaming and howling finally ceased we were left with a very forlorn pooch with one leg that despite vast amounts of coxing would not EVER make contact with the floor again... or so it seemed.
We dutifully made an appointment with our vet and arrived in good time (a first time for everything ;-) ) ensuring we had plenty of time to entertain the receptionist with our usual roudy antics! Poor Lola sat in Mando's arms letting out the occasional pitiful wimper and looked on her family with such a look of disappointment that I was sure the receptionist would be on the phone to the RSPCA the second the consulting room door was closed! I was just sat counting my lucky stars that we had insurance to cover this bill that I was sure was going to be huge when we were called in.
The darling little creature was placed on the table for the damage to be assessed.  No sooner had I explained that she was unable to stand up (and had barely moved from her bed since the horrendous incident occurred) than she was stood on he back legs with front feet on the unsuspecting vet's shoulders kindly ensuring she was clean behind the ears!!! So I kindly and calmly thanked the vet for her time and patience and escaped to the comparable serenity of my van. Albeit £30 lighter!

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